
Construction of Integrated Plant Seedling Multi-detection Services Platform

It has been completed the construction of an integrated multi-service platform for the detection of plant seedlings. The platform integrated the three major subsystems -Seed testing, GMO crops &plant pathogen detection and Seed potato disease Certification. We have acquired the government Website Voucher issued for Information security of the platform. Applicants could use the Bank of Taiwan online payment system at the platform. You may link to the Website's homepage (https://seedtesting.tss.gov.tw). This platform makes the testing process transparent and improves the efficiency of seed testing services.

Fig1. Organized the seed testing staffs training of Integrated plantseedling Multi-detection Services Platform.
Fig1. Organized the seed testing staffs training of
Integrated plantseedling Multi-detection Services

Fig2. Organized the external users training of integrated plantseedling Multi-detection Services Platform.
Fig2. Organized the external users training of
integrated plantseedling Multi-detection Services