

Name Liao,Yi-Lun
Chinese Name 廖宜倫
Position Chief of Technical Research and Development Section Associate Researcher


Office Tel. 886-4-25825481
E-mail liaoyl@tss.gov.tw


Name Lin, Shang-Hu
Chinese Name 林上湖
Position Associate Researcher
Education M.S.(2006) in Ecology,   Providence University

Demonstration and extension of Tsips-produced , developed products and the related studies

Office Tel. 886-4-25825490
E-mail linsh@tss.gov.tw


Name Lo, Ying-Fei
Chinese Name 羅英妃
Position Associate Researcher
Education M.S.(1997) in Horticulture, National Taiwan University
  1. Crop physiology and cultivation
  2. Crop breeding
Office Tel. 886-4-25825431
E-mail iflo88@tss.gov.tw


Name Su, Shih-Min
Chinese Name 蘇士閔
Position Assistant Researcher
Education M.S.(2005) in Plant Pathology, National Chung Hsing University

Seed health testing

Office Tel. 886-4-25825431
E-mail armin@tss.gov.tw


Name Lai,Han-Yang
Chinese Name 賴漢揚
Position Assistant Researcher
Education M.S.(2012) in Agronomy, National Chung Hsing University

Seed process/ Seed storage Technology

Office Tel. 886-4-25825432
E-mail sweatgoat831@tss.gov.tw


Name Xue, Dao-Yuan
Chinese Name 薛道原
Position Assistant Researcher
Education M.S.(2018) Master Program for Plant Medicine and Good Agriculture Practice, National Chung Hsing University
  1. Plant pathology
  2. Pest diagnosis and management
Office Tel. 886-4-25825471
E-mail dyxue@tss.gov.tw


Name Zeng, Hong-Ru
Chinese Name 曾泓儒
Position Assistant Researcher
Education B.S.(2020) in Agronomy, National Taiwan University
  1. Seed process
  2. Organic seed process
Office Tel. 886-4-25825432
E-mail abcu12189@tss.gov.tw


Name Tsai, Bing-Yun
Chinese Name 蔡秉芸
Position Assistant Researcher
Education M.S.(2020) in Horticulture, National Taiwan University

Plant seedling propagation techniques

Office Tel. 886-4-25825432
E-mail bingyun@tss.gov.tw