
Export potential bulb flowers breeding and establishing the propagation system

Achievement:We selected 27 potential progenies of amaryllis from TSIPS and joined the “New Varieties and Lines of Amaryllis in 2018” competition. One progeny won the championship. It showed the achievement of TSIPS on amaryllis breeding.

Fig. 1. Potential progeny H1071002 of amaryllis were selected as a single-flowered type in 2018.
Fig. 1. Potential progeny H1071002 of amaryllis were selected as a
single-flowered type in 2018.

Fig. 2. Potential progeny H912005 were selected to participate in the “New Varieties and Lines of Amaryllis in 2018” competition and won the overall championship.
Fig. 2. Potential progeny H912005 were selected
to participate in the “New Varieties and Lines of
Amaryllis in 2018” competition and won the overall