
Development of potyvirus resistance in melon using CRISPR/Cas9 technology

Fig. 2. sgRNA targeted mutation detected in melon plants induced by CRISPR/Cas9 vector.
Fig.1. sgRNA targeted mutation detected in melon plants induced by CRISPR/Cas9 vector.

RT-PCR detection after mutants were inoculated with ZYMV for 7days.    M:100bp ladders; 1: H2O; 2-3: Zucchini+ZYMV;4-6: melon control;7-11: melon control +ZYMV;12-16: M251+ZYMV;17-20: M252+ZYMV
Fig. 2.RT-PCR detection after mutants were inoculated with ZYMV for 7days. 
M:100bp ladders; 1: H2O; 2-3: Zucchini+ZYMV;4-6: melon control;7-11: melon control +ZYMV;12-16: M251+ZYMV;17-20: M252+ZYMV