
The First ISO 9001 Certified Laboratory of Plant Tissue Culture in Taiwan

The First ISO 9001 Certified Laboratory of Plant Tissue Culture in Taiwan

What is ISO 9001? How does it relate to a plant tissue culture lab?

The ISO 9001 quality management system standards is designed to help organizations ensure that they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders while meeting statutory and regulatory requirements. It is a widely-used management system for organizations investigating critical management strategies, and helps them meet the standards that must fulfill.

Seed Improvement and Propagation Station of COA indicated that, due to technical improvement in mericlone propagation, valuable or high-potential varieties could be produced in a large scale. Biotech young plants are manufacturable produces, which can be produced by orders in a tissue culture laboratory. However, compared to traditional mass production, biotech young plants are living produces that may take longer processing time and cause more variable cost. Thus, to stabilize product quality and quantity, and to meet the timeline are also the key factors leading to a successful lab.

According to TSIPS, they have been working on developing and improving plant tissue culture, and set up a manufacturing tissue culture laboratory with automatic production devices. The lab mainly focus es on the mericlone production of potatoes, strawberries, grapes, Zantedeschia, Dendrobium, Paphiopedilum , and aim s to improve their product quality to meet the clients needs. In order to reach the goal and strengthen the management procedures, the TSIPS Tissue Culture Lab introduced the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 9001:2008) system, and received the qualified certification from Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF). As the very first ISO certified plant tissue culture lab in Taiwan, the lab members expect themselves to enhance both domestic and international competitiveness, and become a pioneer of the plant tissue culture production industry.

The TSIPS Tissue Culture Lab introduced the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 9001:2008) system, and received the qualified certification from Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF).

The TSIPS Tissue Culture Lab introduced the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 9001:2008) system, and received the qualified certification from Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF).

Tissue culture production bar code management system

Tissue culture production bar code management system

Contact: Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station, Yuju Liao
Phone: 04-25825465