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Gorgeous and bright colorful show~ competition of the first domestic sweet peppers in winter
Sweet peppers with some characterics such as high vitamin content, low calories, sweet taste, and no spicy taste have regarded as one of the vegetable types with high nutritional value. Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station (TSIPS) entrusted by the Tawiawn Seeds Trade Association(TSTA) held the exhibition of different sweet pepper varieties, providing study and observcation of seed industries on January 17. It is helpful for the production of various types of sweet peppers in the Taiwan market, creating higher export sales and local sales.
TSIPS said that 19 sweet pepper varieties from seed and seedling industry planted in the TSIPS’s experiment field were the first domestical sweet pepper variety competition. Experts were invited as referees from The World Vegetable Center-WorldVeg, seed industry and marketing. Some items were evaluated including plant growth, fruit appearance, uniformity, and fruit shape, sarcocarp traits, fruit thickness, the taste of flavor in the laboratory and perform objectives were scored. Results in the competition showed that cv. EX-1879 from KNOWN-YOU SEED CO., LTD. won No.1, followed by the 2nd (SONPO No. 7, SONPO SEED CO., LTD., and 3rd (4 varieties: cv. EX-2183, KNOWN-YOU SEED CO., LTD., cv. DSP1907, SUNTECH SEED CO. LTD., cv. SONPO No. 6 , SONPO SEED CO., LTD. and cv. ACEGREEN 122, ACEGREEN SEED Co., Ltd.)
Although sweet pepper variety competition was the first time domestic exhibition under the difficulty of the fruit turning color caused by the low temperature in winter mountainous areas, TSIPS still produced beautiful colors, different bell type and long type fruits of sweet pepper varieties by better cultivation management.
TSIPS said that planting area of sweet pepper per year is about 1,200 hectares in Taiwan. The main cultivated area focuses on are Nantou, Yunlin, and Chiayi, average yield per hectare more than 10,000 kg . The production season is from November to June of the following year. Harvest period is long, and the market demand increases before the Lunar New Year. Therefore, by helding competition of breeding variety, the exhibition platform can enrich the market with various sweet pepper varieties, provide a stable supply of good quality fruit, and enhance customers to buy and taste this nutritious and delicious vegetable.
![]() ▲Fig1-1.Field cultivation of sweet peppers. |
▲Fig2.The exhibition of different sweet pepper fruits from different varieties on desk. |
▲Fig3. Participants toured the sweet pepper variety competition on field. |